Nursing Care and Procedures One of the most popular articles on this site is my version of performing a head to toe assessment which should become second nature to all nurses. • How to Perform a Head to Toe AssessmentHow to Take a PulseHow to Take a TemperatureHow to Take a Blood PressureHow to Count RespirationsHow to Assess PainHow to Give an IM InjectionA Checklist of Nursing Procedures (universal to all)How To Determine Needle SizeAssessing Cranial NervesCranial Nerve GraphicRhyme to Remember Cranial Nerves (mnemonic)How to Administer Heparin or LovenoxEnsuring and teaching medication safety is a huge nursing responsibilityThe Five Rights of Medication SafetyPatient Education is an Important Nursing RoleDocumentation is always an issue for nurses. Here are some resources to help make this easier:Book Review: Writing for Nursing and Midwifery StudentsSample Documentation